April 22 - 24, 2022
Nebraska’s oldest Black sorority hits a significant milestone in 2022.
The Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1922.
Omicron turns 100 years old this April.
The Omicron chapter wants to invite you to commemorate a century of scholarship, sisterhood and service. Your involvement will help support programming for the Omicron chapter, including uplifting women and the Lincoln community.
Join us April 22 – 24, 2022 for “A Crimson Dynasty: Omicron’s Centennial Celebration.”
Here is a breakdown of the weekend’s events:
Friday, April 22:
Sisterhood welcome and mixer for Nebraska Deltas and Regional Delta Leadership (Private event)
Saturday, April 23:
Community Service Project for Deltas and the Lincoln community
Centennial Celebration Gala for everyone (RSVP required)
Sunday, April 24:
Sisterhood brunch for past & present Omicron members only (Private event)